The Great Exhibition of 1851

Edited by Louise Purbrick

The Great Exhibition of 1851
Paperback -
  • Price: £19.99
  • ISBN: 9780719055928
  • Publish Date: Sep 2001
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 232
    • Price: £19.99
    • Published Date: September 2001
    • Series: Texts in Culture


    The Great Exhibition of 1851 has become a touchstone for the nineteenth century. The Crystal Palace produced a commodity world, an imperial spectacle, a picture of capitalism, a liberal dream, a vision of modern life. Historians have saturated the Great Exhibition with meanings.

    This collection of essays exposes how meaning has been produced around the Great Exhibition. It contains a series of critical readings of the official and popular historical record of the Exhibition. Critics and historians of art, culture, design and literature have been brought together to examine the objects, the images, the documents and the fictions of 1851. Their essays explore the determined use of industrial knowledge, the contested definitions of nation and colony, and the actual control of the space of the Crystal Palace after the Great Exhibition closed.

    The Great Exhibition of 1851 presents new interpretations of one of the most significant exhibitions in the nineteenth century and will be essential reading for anyone studying cultural history, design history, art history and literature.


    Introduction: Louise Purbrick
    1. The accumulation of knowledge or, William Whewell's eye - Steve Edwards
    2. An industrial vision: the promotion of technical drawing in mid-Victorian Britain - Rafael Cardoso Denis
    3. Entrepreneurship and the artisans: John Cassell, the Great Exhibition and the periodical idea - Brian Maidment
    4. An appropriated space: the Great Exhibition, the Crystal Palace and the working class - Peter Gurney
    5. Narrating the subcontinent in 1851: India at the Crystal Palace - Lara Kriegel
    6. Thackeray and Punch at the Great Exhibition: authority and ambivalence in verbal and visual caricatures - Richard Pearson
    Notes on contributors
    Select bibliography


    Louise Purbrick is Principal Lecturer in the History of Art and Design at the University of Brighton

    The Great Exhibition of 1851

    Edited by Louise Purbrick

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