Gender and warfare in the twentieth century

Textual representations

Edited by Angela Smith

Gender and warfare in the twentieth century
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  • Price: £19.99
  • ISBN: 9780719065743
  • Publish Date: Jun 2004
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Delivery to North and South America

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  • Price: £19.99
  • ISBN: 9780719065750
  • Publish Date: Aug 2013
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Delivery Exc. North and South America


    Delivery to North and South America

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    Book Information

    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 240
    • Price: £19.99
    • Published Date: August 2013


    Gender and warfare in the twentieth century is a collection of exciting, accessible and very readable essays that span the twentieth century, exploring the ways in which men and women have both represented warfare, and represented themselves as participants in warfare. A range of contributors from different disciplines explore these representations by examining a wide variety of sources: fiction, film, personal diaries, memoirs, non-fiction, letters, oral testimonies and more. The collection ranges from the trenches of the Western Front, through the shell-shocked inter-war years, the civil war in Spain and the disparate battle fronts of World War Two, to the complexities of Vietnam and the late century Hollywood workings and re-workings of these conflicts. The focus on gendered readings provides a thread that binds these essays together to create a comprehensive and interesting picture of the legacy of twentieth-century warfare at the beginning of the new millennium.


    List of contributors
    1. 'What part have I now that you have come together?' Richard Aldington on war, gender and textual representation - Caroline Zilboorg
    2. Shell-shocked in Somerville: Vera Brittain's post-traumatic stress disorder - Andrea Peterson
    3. Gender, war and writing in Aldous Huxley's 'Farcical history of Richard Greenow' - Erik Svarny
    4. How gender serves Trotskyism: The Spanish civil war in Ken Loach's 'Land and Freedom' - Alan Munton
    5. Clothes and uniform in the theatre of Facism: Clemence Dane and Virginia Woolf - Jenny Hartley
    6. Women and the Battle of the Atlantic 1939-45: Contemporary texts, propaganda and life-writing - G.H. Bennett
    7. 'The best disguise': Performing femininities for clandestine purposes during the Second World War - Juliette Pattinson
    8. The war at home: Family, gender and post-colonial issues in three Vietnam war texts - Marion Gibson
    9. Chicken or hawk? Heroism, masculinity and violence in Vietnam war narratives - Angela K. Smith
    10. Elite women warriors and dog soldiers: Gender adaptations in modern war film - Jeff Walsh
    Select bibliography


    Angela K. Smith is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Plymouth

    Gender and warfare in the twentieth century

    Edited by Angela Smith

    Paperback £19.99 / $29.95

    Hardcover £90.00 / $140.00

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