New challenges for documentary

Second edition

Edited by Alan Rosenthal and John Corner

New challenges for documentary
Paperback -
  • Price: £19.99
  • ISBN: 9780719068997
  • Publish Date: Feb 2005
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 520
    • Price: £19.99
    • Published Date: February 2005


    The first edition of New challenges for documentary provided a major stimulus for teaching about documentary film and television and fresh encouragement for critical thinking about practice. This second edition brings together many new contributions both from academics and filmmakers, reflecting shifts both in documentary production itself, and in ways of discussing it.

    Once again, the emphasis has been on clear and provocative writing, sympathetic to the practical challenges of documentary film-making but making connections with a range of work in media and communications analysis.

    With its wide range of contributors and the international scope of its agenda, New challenges for documentary will be essential reading for general filmmakers and documentary students both of academic and practical inclinations.


    Part One: Theories and forms: Documentary as genre
    1. The voice of documentary - Bill Nichols
    2. The image mirrored: Reflexivity and the documentary film - Jay Ruby
    3. Television, documentary and the category of the aesthetic - John Corner
    4. Mirrors without memories: Truth, history and the New Documentary - Linda Williams
    Part Two: The inside view: Producers and directors
    5. The Canadian Film Board Unit B - D.B. Jones
    6. An interview with Emile de Antonio - Gary Crowdus and Dan Georgakas
    7. The war game: An interview with Peter Watkins - Alan Rosenthal
    8. New agendas in black film-making: An interview with Marlon Riggs - Roy Grundmann
    9. Jumping off the cliff: A conversation with Dennis O'Rourke - Tracey Spring
    10. The politics of documentary: A symposium - Barbara Zheutlin
    11. Staying alive - Alan Rosenthal
    Part Three: Issues of ethics and aesthetics
    12. Ethics - Brian Winston
    13. Ultimately we are all outsiders - Calvin Pryluck
    14. The ethics of imagemaking - Jay Ruby
    15. 'Word is Out' and 'Gay USA' - Lee Atwell
    16. Building a mock-documentary schema - Jane Roscoe and Craig Hight
    17. Sounds real: Music and documentary - John Corner
    18. 'Bowling for Columbine': A review - Christopher Sharrett and William Luhr
    Part Four: Changing contexts in television
    19. The McCarthy 'See It Now' broadcast - Fred W. Friendly
    20. An independent with the networks - Robert L. Drew
    21. New boy: An independent with Israel TV - Alan Rosenthal
    22. Reflections on 'An American Family' - Craig Gilbert
    23. 'American High': Documentary as episodic television - Ben Levin
    24. Documentary and truth on television: The crisis of 1999 - John Ellis
    Part Five: Versions of history
    25. History on the public screen I - Donald Watt
    26. History on the public screen II - Jerry Kuehl
    27. Historical analysis: Content, production and reception - John O'Connor
    28. Narrative, invention and history - Jeffrey Youdelman
    29. Against the ivory tower: An apologia for 'popular' historical documentaries - Dirk Eitzen
    30. The event: Archive and imagination - Stella Bruzzi
    Part Six: Docudrama: Border disputes
    31. Dramadoc / docudrama: The law and regulation - Derek Paget
    32. US Docudrama and 'Movie-of-the-Week' - Steve Lipkin
    33. Death of a princess: Interview with Anthony Thomas - Alan Rosenthal
    34. Dramatized documentary - Leslie Woodhead
    35. Where are we going, and how and why? - Ian McBride


    Alan Rosenthal is Professor of Communications at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a documentary film-maker. John Corner is Professor in the School of Politics and Communication Studies at the University of Liverpool

    New challenges for documentary

    Edited by Alan Rosenthal, John Corner

    Paperback £19.99 / $29.95

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