The contemporary law of armed conflict: Third edition

By Leslie C. Green

The contemporary law of armed conflict: Third edition
Paperback -
  • Price: £30.00
  • ISBN: 9780719073786
  • Publish Date: May 2008
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information


    Green's The contemporary law of armed conflict has been acclaimed as one of the most significant works on the law of armed conflict to appear in recent years. The first edition was adopted as a basic text by military institutions and educational establishments throughout the world and is among the most comprehensive and readable works on the subject.

    This new edition brings the work up to date, examining the significance of the World Court's Opinion on the legality of the nuclear weapon. It also considers the importance of such matters as the laser weapon agreement, the mines treaty and the jurisprudence of the two war crimes tribunals, that for the former Yugoslavia as well as for Rwanda, and assesses the role of the proposed International Criminal Court as it may affect the law of armed conflict.

    The book applies a practical as well as a theoretical approach, and draws on an extensive range of national and international practice. It is thus an indispensable reference for the armed forces and government defence organizations, as well as academics and students interested in the modern law of war.


    1. Legality of war and the law of armed conflict
    2. History and sources of the law of armed conflict
    3. International and non-international armed conflict
    4. Hostilities: Their commencement, effects and termination
    5. Inter-belligerent relations
    6. Lawful combatants
    7. Conduct of hostilities: Land
    8. Conduct of hostilities: Maritime
    9. Conduct of hostilities: Air
    10. Prisoners of war
    11. The wounded, sick and shipwrecked
    12. Civilians
    13. The protecting power
    14. Civil defence
    15. Rights and duties of the occupying power
    16. Rights and duties of neutrals
    17. Prevention of breaches and supervision of conduct
    18. War crimes and grave breaches
    19. The law and non-international conflict
    20. United Nations operations
    21. Basic rules of the law of armed conflict
    Table of cases
    Table of treaties


    Leslie C. Green is Professor Emeritus and Honorary Professor of Law at the University of Alberta

    The contemporary law of armed conflict: Third edition

    By Leslie C. Green

    Paperback £30.00 / $45.95

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