The impact of feminism on political concepts and debates

Edited by Georgina Blakeley and Valerie Bryson

The impact of feminism on political concepts and debates
Paperback -
  • Price: £19.99
  • ISBN: 9780719075124
  • Publish Date: Aug 2007
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 200
    • Price: £19.99
    • Published Date: August 2007


    Many feminists have engaged with the man-made concepts and approaches of traditional political analysis to produce an increasingly sophisticated and wide-ranging body of thought. The starting point of this book is the belief that such work is not simply 'something for the girls'; rather, it has profound and complex implications without which our understanding of political processes and ideas would be impoverished.

    This book provides an accessible overview and assessment of the impact of recent feminism by bringing together leading feminist and pro-feminist political theorists and analysts, to focus on key concepts, such as rationality, citizenship, democracy and democratisation, development and empowerment.

    Each chapter takes a 'malestream' concept and examines both the critical debates around it and feminist reactions/critiques. It then analyses the significance and implications of feminism for the concept, considers whether it can simply be extended to include women, or whether it should be radically transformed or even abandoned, and assesses whether feminist input has become part of the mainstream debate or remains marginalised.


    1. Introduction - Georgina Blakeley and Valerie Bryson
    2. Rationality - Raia Prokhovnik
    3. The Social Contract - Laura Brace
    4. Sovereignty - John Hoffman
    5 .Citizenship - Ruth Lister
    6. Representation - Sarah Childs
    7. Democracy and Democratisation - Georgina Blakeley
    8. Development - John Craig
    9. Agency - Kalpana Wilson
    10. Empowerment - Mercy Ette
    11. Time - Valerie Bryson


    Georgina Blakeley is Lecturer in Politics at the Open University. Valerie Bryson is Professor of Politics at the University of Huddersfield

    The impact of feminism on political concepts and debates

    Edited by Georgina Blakeley, Valerie Bryson

    Paperback £19.99 / $29.95

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