The political thought of the Liberals and Liberal Democrats since 1945

Edited by Kevin Hickson

The political thought of the Liberals and Liberal Democrats since 1945
Hardcover -
  • Price: £90.00
  • ISBN: 9780719079481
  • Publish Date: Oct 2009
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Hardcover
    • Pages: 200
    • Price: £90.00
    • Published Date: October 2009


    This book provides the most comprehensive analysis of the post-war political thought of the Liberals and Liberal Democrats to date. The rationale of the book stems from a belief that contemporary debate over the party's future ideological direction can only be fully appreciated by placing it within a broader historical context.

    The book begins by outlining the three dominant ideological traditions within the Liberals and Liberal Democrats - namely, classical liberalism, the 'centre' and social liberalism. The main ideas, policies and personalities associated with each tradition are evaluated. Leading experts in the field then examine a range of themes and issues including constitutional reform, decentralization, political economy, social morality, internationalism and political strategy. The final section consists of three commentaries from different ideological perspectives written by leading Liberal Democrat MPs - Vincent Cable, David Howarth and Steve Webb.

    In adopting a new approach to the Liberals and Liberal Democrats and in combining expert analysis with political commentary, this book will be of interest to students and the general reader alike.


    1. Introduction - Kevin Hickson
    Section I: Positions
    2. Classical Liberalism - Roy Douglas
    3. Centre - Mark Garnett
    4. Social liberalism - Richard S. Grayson
    Section II: Themes and issues
    5. Constitutional reform - Matt Cole
    6. Decentralisation - Russell Deacon
    7. Political economy - Duncan Brack
    8. Social morality - Bruce Pilbeam
    9. Internationalism - Alan Butt Philip
    10. Political Strategy - Andrew Russell
    Section III: Commentaries
    11. Classical liberalism in a modern setting - Vince Cable MP
    12. Centre: in medias res - David Howarth MP
    13. Social liberalism - Steve Webb MP
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    Kevin Hickson is Lecturer in British Politics at the University of Liverpool

    The political thought of the Liberals and Liberal Democrats since 1945

    Edited by Kevin Hickson

    Hardcover £90.00 / $140.00

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