Performing heritage

Research, practice and innovation in museum theatre and live interpretation

Edited by Anthony Jackson and Jenny Kidd

Performing heritage
Paperback -
  • Price: £19.99
  • ISBN: 9780719089053
  • Publish Date: Sep 2012
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 297
    • Price: £19.99
    • Published Date: September 2012


    Performing Heritage is the first book to bring together the range of voices, debates and practices that constitute the fields of museum theatre and live interpretation. Inspiring and challenging in its scope and level of debate, Performing Heritage crosses the disciplines of performance and museum/heritage studies and offers remarkable and timely insights into the processes, outcomes and potential of this rich and rapidly developing practice - and in a variety of international contexts. The book productively brings together academic research and professional practice, and will be essential reading for all those interested in, and concerned with the future of, 'heritage' and its interpretation.


    This collection both consolidates and moves forward the previously somewhat fragmented discussion on the relationship between heritage and performance.'
    Stephen Bottoms, Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 29/02/2012

    'an exciting and worthwhile book.'
    Jessica Nakamura, TDR: The Drama Review 57:2, Summer 2013

    ...the book successfully delivers a wide discourse on the definition and value of performance and heritage and relates them to the 'new museology', recognising the role of the audience/visitor in constructing their own meaning.


    Introduction - Anthony Jackson and Jenny Kidd
    1. Engaging the audience: negotiating performance in the museum - Anthony Jackson
    2. 'Watching me, watching you': performance and performativity in the museum - Helen Rees Leahy
    3. Creating heritage experiences through architecture - Alke Gröppel-Wegener
    4. The space of museum theatre: a framework for performing heritage - Paul Johnson
    5. The 'Doing' of Heritage: heritage as performance - Laurajane Smith
    6. Intangible Heritage and the performance of identity - Marilena Alivizatou
    7. Authenticity and metaphor: displaying Intangible Human Remains in museum theatre - Anna Farthing
    8. Interpreting Msinsi: culture, tourism and story-telling in the Isimangaliso Wetland Park - Emma Durden and Nicky du Plessis
    9. Nostalgia for the future of the past - Baz Kershaw
    10. Performing Cultural Heritage: an analysis of 'Weaving Paths' - Royona Mitra
    11. A la Ronde - eccentricity, heritage and the end of the world - Phil Smith
    12. Triangle's Immersive Museum Theatre: performativity, historical interpretation and research in-role - Richard Talbot and Norwood Andrews
    13. Mirror Neurons and Simulation: the role of the spectator in museum theatre - Catherine Hughes
    14. 'The costume of openness': participatory performance in heritage environments - Jenny Kidd
    15. Performing Human Rights: engaging visitors in dialogue at two historic site Museums of Conscience - Joel Chalfen
    16. "For a little road it is not. For it is a great road; it is long": performing heritage for development in the Cape - Mark Fleishman
    Appendix - The Performance, Learning and Heritage project


    Anthony Jackson is Emeritus Professor of Educational Theatre at The University of Manchester|Jenny Kidd is Lecturer in Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies at Cardiff University.

    Performing heritage

    Edited by Anthony Jackson, Jenny Kidd

    Paperback £19.99 / $29.95

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