Collections XVII


Collections XVII
Hardcover -
  • Price: £45.00
  • ISBN: 9780719099274
  • Publish Date: Aug 2016
  • Publisher: The Malone Society
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    Book Information

    • Format: Hardcover
    • Pages: 104
    • Price: £45.00
    • Published Date: August 2016
    • Series: The Malone Society


    Collections XVII is the latest volume in the Malone Society's pioneering series of editions of miscellaneous documents relating to English theatre and drama before 1642. It is likely to be of special interest not only to early theatre historians but to those working on Tudor and Stuart court and civic culture, manuscript writing, household drama and early modern women's writing, as it publishes new material in each of these fields. The book includes items such as Revels Office accounts, a playscript fragment, entertainments, poems and civic shows. Many of these documents are previously unpublished, and have been freshly edited and transcribed; each has an introduction giving details of its date, authorship and historical importance.

    The volume will be essential reading for postgraduates and university teachers in early modern drama, theatre history and women's writing.


    1. 'Accounts and Inventories of the Revels Office, 1541-1546' - edited by Eleanor Lowe, Martin Wiggins, and Janette Dillon
    2. Edward Herbert, The Amazon - edited by Cristina Malcolmson, Matteo Pangallo and Eugene Hill
    3. Rachel Fane, 'Entertainments and Poems' - edited by Marion O'Connor
    4. Two Lord Mayor's Shows: John Taylor, The Triumphs of Fame and Honour (1634) and John Squire, The Tryumphs of Peace (1620) - edited by J. Caitlin Finlayson


    Eugene Giddens is Skinner-Young Professor of Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature at Anglia Ruskin University

    Siobhan Keenan is Reader in Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature at De Montfort University

    Collections XVII


    Hardcover £45.00 / $66.95

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