Northern Ireland and the European Union

The dynamics of a changing relationship

By Mary C. Murphy

Northern Ireland and the European Union
Hardcover +
  • Price: £85.00
  • ISBN: 9780719079825
  • Publish Date: Jun 2014
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    eBook -
  • Price: £85.00
  • ISBN: 9781526111609
  • Publish Date: May 2016
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: eBook
    • Published Date: May 2016


    This unique study breaks new ground in engaging the study of Northern Ireland politics directly with broader debates about European integration and European governance. The text offers the most comprehensive coverage to date of the institutional development of Northern Ireland following the UK government's devolution programme and Northern Ireland's development as an autonomous policy actor in Europe.

    This study marshals evidence from Northern Ireland's relationship with the European Union (EU) during the contemporary era of devolved power. The text argues that in Northern Ireland a series of national and regional constraints, complexities and divisions limit regional autonomy. These original insights question the synergy between devolution and the EU and query the existence of new forms of 'governance'. This is a contribution of both immense substance and considerable importance and should be essential reading for those with an interest in Northern Ireland and EU politics.


    1. Introduction
    2. Northern Ireland and the European Union: The context
    3. Northern Ireland and the European Union: The economic dynamics
    4. Northern Ireland and the European Union: The political dynamics
    5. Northern Ireland and the European Union: The internal dynamics
    6. Northern Ireland and the European Union: The external dynamics
    7. Northern Ireland and the European Union: The policy dynamics
    8. Northern Ireland, regional governance and the European Union


    Mary C. Murphy is a Lecturer in Politics in the Department of Government at University College Cork

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