A history of humanitarianism, 1755-1989

In the name of others

By Silvia Salvatici

A history of humanitarianism, 1755-1989
Hardcover +
  • Price: £25.00
  • ISBN: 9781526120144
  • Publish Date: May 2019
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Delivery Exc. North and South America


    Delivery to North and South America

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  • Price: £25.00
  • ISBN: 9781526120168
  • Publish Date: Apr 2019
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Delivery Exc. North and South America


    Delivery to North and South America

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  • Price: £25.00
  • ISBN: 9781526120175
  • Publish Date: Apr 2019
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information


    The book traces the history of international humanitarianism from the anti-slavery movement to the end of the cold war. It is based on an extensive survey of the international literature and is retold in an original narrative that relies on a close examination of the sources. The reconstruction of humanitarianism's long history unfolds around some crucial moments and events: the colonial expansion of European countries, the two world wars and their aftermaths, the emergence of a new postcolonial order.

    In terms of its contents, narrative style, interpretative approach the book is aimed at a large and diverse public including: scholars who are studying and teaching humanitarianism; students who need to learn about humanitarianism as part of their training or research; operators and volunteers who are engaged in the field; non-specialist readers who are interested in the topic because of its relevance to current events.


    Preface to the English edition

    Part I: Archaeology of international humanitarianism
    1 Saving humanity, abolishing slavery
    2 Colonial humanitarianism
    Part II: Humanitarianism in wartime
    3 La guerre et la charité
    4 'Chaotic years of peace'
    5 Aftermath of the Second World War: humanitarianism at a crossroads?
    Part III: From Europe to the Third World
    6 Fighting poverty and hunger
    7 Humanitarian emergencies
    Epilogue: a 'new humanitarianism'?



    Silvia Salvatici is Associate Professor at the University of Milan

    A history of humanitarianism, 1755-1989

    By Silvia Salvatici

    Paperback £25.00 / $37.95

    Hardcover £80.00 / $120.00

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