African security in the twenty-first century
Challenges and opportunities
By Stephen Emerson and Hussein Solomon
Book Information
- Format: eBook
- Published Date: January 2018
This book explores and analyses the evolving African security paradigm in light of the multitude of diverse threats and challenges facing the continent and the international community. It challenges current thinking and traditional security constructs as woefully inadequate to meet the real security needs of African governments and their 1 billion plus citizens in an increasingly globalised and interdependent world. Through the lens of human security the authors' examine the continent's most pressing security challenges-from identity conflict and failing states to terrorism, disease, and environmental degradation-and in doing so provide a comprehensive look at the complexities of building peace and stability in modern-day Africa. Not only does the book critically assess the state of progress in addressing security challenges, but it presents new strategies and tools for more effectively engaging Africans and the global community in their common search for solutions.
List of figures, maps, tables and text boxes
1. Understanding the security environment
2. Thinking about security
3. Identity conflict
4. Failing states
5. Terrorism and extremism
6. Trafficking in drugs and small arms
7. Health and disease
8. Resource conflict and the environment
9. The African response
10. The international response
11. The future of African security
Stephen Emerson is the former Chair of Security Studies at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies in Washington, DC ; Hussein Solomon is Senior Professor in the Department of Political Studies and Governance at the University of the Free State, South Africa