Islam in British media discourses
Understanding perceptions of Muslims in the news
By Laurens de Rooij
Book Information
- Format: eBook
- Published Date: May 2020
- Series: Manchester University Press
Media reporting on Islam and Muslims commonly relate stories about terrorism, violence, or the lack of integration with western values and society. Yet there is little research into how non-Muslims engage with and are affected by these news reports. Inspired by the overtly negative coverage of Islam and Muslims by the mainstream press and the increase in Islamophobia across Europe, this book explores the influence of these depictions on the thoughts and actions of non-Muslims.
Building on extensive fieldwork interviews and focus groups, Laurens de Rooij argues that individuals negotiate media reports to fit their existing outlook on Islam and Muslims. Non-Muslim responses to these reports, de Rooij argues, are not only (re)productions of local and personal contextuality, but are co-dependent and co-productive to the reports themselves.
1 Modes of production: British media as a discursive system
2 Symbolic representations of Islam and Muslims
3 A dialectic of media theory and audience praxis
4 Examining the influence of current media portrayals of Islam and Muslims
Laurens de Rooij is a Lecturer of Islamic Studies at the University of Chester