Images in the making

Art, process, archaeology

Edited by Ing-Marie Back Danielsson and Andrew Meirion Jones

Images in the making
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  • Price: £85.00
  • ISBN: 9781526142849
  • Publish Date: Aug 2020
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Delivery to North and South America

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  • Price: £85.00
  • ISBN: 9781526142863
  • Publish Date: Aug 2020
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information


    This book offers an analysis of archaeological imagery based on new materialist approaches. Reassessing the representational paradigm of archaeological image analysis, it argues for the importance of ontology, redefining images as material processes or events that draw together differing aspects of the world. The book is divided into three sections: 'Emergent images', which focuses on practices of making; 'Images as process', which examines the making and role of images in prehistoric societies; and 'Unfolding images', which focuses on how images change as they are made and circulated. Featuring contributions from archaeologists, Egyptologists, anthropologists and artists, it highlights the multiple role of images in prehistoric and historic societies, while demonstrating that scholars need to recognise their dynamic and changeable character.


    'This is a wide-ranging volume, with papers coving images of Nile hippos in ancient Egypt to gold foil figures in Iron Age Scandinavia. The papers all discuss the creation and use of images and art. [...] Throughout
    this volume there are informative observations and discussions of how we should understand and think about art and images in the past.'
    Ulster Archaeological Society


    1 Introduction - Ing-Marie Back Danielsson and Andrew Meirion Jones
    Part I: Emergent images
    2 The Nile in the hippopotamus: being and becoming in faience figurines of Middle Kingdom ancient Egypt - Rune Nyord
    3 An archaeology of anthropomorphism: upping the ontological ante of Alfred Gell's anthropology of art through a focus on making - Ben Alberti
    4 Dirty RTI - Ian Dawson
    Commentary - Tim Ingold
    Part II: Images as process
    5 Rock art as process: Iberian Late Bronze Age 'warrior' stelae in-the-making - Marta Díaz-Guardamino
    6 Images and forms before Plato: the carved stone balls of Northeast Scotland - Andrew Meirion Jones
    7 Connectivity and the making of Atlantic rock art - Joana Valdez-Tullett
    8 Neolithic and Copper Age stamps in the Balkans: a material and processual account of image making- Agni Prijatelj
    Commentary - Chantal Conneller
    Part III: Unfolding images
    9 Pattern as patina: Iron Age 'Kintsugi' from East Yorkshire - Helen Chittock
    10 The act of creation: tangible engagements in the making and 're-making' of prehistoric rock art - Lara Bacelar Alves
    11 'Guldgubbar's' changing ontology: Scandinavian Late Iron Age gold foil figures through the lense of intra-action - Ing-Marie Back Danielsson
    12 The partial and the vague as a visual mode in Bronze Age rock art- Fredrik Fahlander
    Parts and holes: a commentary - Louisa Minkin


    Ing-Marie Back Danielsson is Associate Professor of Archaeology at Uppsala University
    Andrew Meirion Jones is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Southampton

    Images in the making

    Edited by Ing-Marie Back Danielsson, Andrew Meirion Jones

    Hardcover £85.00 / $127.95

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