Tadeusz Kowalik and Poland's return from socialism to capitalism

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By Gavin Rae

Tadeusz Kowalik and Poland's return from socialism to capitalism
Hardcover -
  • Price: £80.00
  • ISBN: 9781526167385
  • Publish Date: Mar 2025
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Hardcover
    • Pages: 248
    • Price: £80.00
    • Published Date: March 2025
    • Series: Geopolitical Economy


    Tadeusz Kowalik lived through ten decades and three economic and political systems in Poland. He combined his academic study of economic ideas with his socialist ideals of building a fairer and more just society. This book covers the intellectual and political work of Kowalik, within the context of modern Polish history. Kowalik was part of a Polish School of critical left-wing political economists, that included Michal Kalecki and Oskar Lange. Kowalik contributed to the body of work produced by this group, which included his interpretation of their work. Kowalik participated in some of the most momentous events in post-war Polish history, helping to organise a group of intellectuals to advise the shipyard workers at the Gdansk shipyards in 1980. He became a vehement opponent of Poland's neoliberal form of capitalism and left a body of work that illuminates our understanding of capitalism and socialism today.


    1.A tragic advance
    2.Socialist pluralism
    3.Krzywicki and friends
    4.The political and intellectual ferment after 1956
    5.Luxemburg, Kalecki and the crucial reform of capitalism
    6.Flying to Gdansk
    7.Converging from socialism
    8.The shock of betrayal
    9.Varieties of capitalism
    10.No left turn
    11.Back to the future


    Gavin Rae is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Kozminski University in Warsaw

    Tadeusz Kowalik and Poland's return from socialism to capitalism

    By Gavin Rae

    Hardcover £80.00 / $120.00

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