Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left

By Scarlet Harris

Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left
Hardcover -
  • Price: £85.00
  • ISBN: 9781526169655
  • Publish Date: Apr 2025
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information


    Islamophobia is one of the most misunderstood and pernicious forms of racism in Britain. But how do those committed to challenging Islamophobia understand it? And what does this mean for their practices 'on the ground'?

    Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left combines first-hand accounts from activists and community workers across two British cities with sociological theory, critically interrogating Islamophobia's relationship to 'race', racial capitalism and other modalities of racism. Setting this discussion against some of the most pertinent political shifts in Britain in recent years - from the resurgence of left nationalism to Black Lives Matter - the book assesses the limits of recent attempts to think about and tackle Islamophobia, and considers the possibilities of an alternative approach from and for the anti-racist left.


    1 Islamophobia and the politics of place in anti-racist work
    2 On fear, (un)familiarity and interaction: the limits of the liberal in approaches to Islamophobia
    3 Islamophobia and/on the British left: Muslim activists as 'racialised outsiders'
    4 An anti-racism for our times: Islamophobia and the politics of abolition



    Scarlet Harris is a researcher and Teaching Associate in the department of Sociology, University of Cambridge

    Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left

    By Scarlet Harris

    Hardcover £85.00 / $130.00

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