Human rights in Europe

A study of the European Convention on Human Rights

By J. G. Merrills and A. H. Robertson

Human rights in Europe
eBook -
  • Price: £40.00
  • ISBN: 9781526170583
  • Publish Date: Dec 2022
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information


    Now available as an ebook for the first time, the fourth edition of this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the most advanced international human rights system in the world - the European Convention on Human Rights. Full account is taken of developments to the Convention case law and the supervisory arrangements in the form of Protocol No. 11, together with relevant developments outside Strasbourg, including the human rights aspects of the EU and the Organisation for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OSCE). Reviews the new European Court of Human Rights, set up in 1998, and contrasts it with the original arrangements for supervising the Convention. Examines the relations between the Convention and other human rights arrangements, such as the OSCE and the European Social Charter. A valuable title in the Melland Schill Studies in International Law series.


    1. The origins and history of the Convention
    2. The rights guaranteed I
    3. The rights guaranteed II
    4. The rights guaranteed III
    5. The rights guaranteed IV
    6. The rights guaranteed V
    7. The scope of rights and freedoms
    8. The rights guaranteed by Protocols
    9. The institutional machinery before Protocol No. 11
    10. The institutional machinery today
    The European Convention of Human Rights and its Protocosl as amended by Protocol 11
    Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
    Protocol Nos. 1, 4, 6 and 7


    The late J. G. Merrills was Professor Emeritus of Public International Law at the University of Sheffield. The late A. H. Robertson was Director of Human Rights, Council of Europe.

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