Men and masculinities in modern Britain

A history for the present

Edited by Matt Houlbrook, Katie Jones and Ben Mechen

Men and masculinities in modern Britain
Hardcover -
  • Price: £25.00
  • ISBN: 9781526174697
  • Publish Date: Jan 2024
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Hardcover
    • Pages: 332
    • Price: £25.00
    • Published Date: January 2024


    Men and masculinities provides an engaging, accessible and provocative introduction to histories of masculinity for all readers interested in contemporary gender politics. The book offers a critical overview of ongoing historiographical debates and the historical making of men's lives and identities and ideas of masculinity between the 1890s and the present day. In setting out a new agenda for the field, it makes an ambitious argument for the importance of writing histories which are present-centred and politically engaged. This means that the book engages head-on with ferocious debates about men's social position and the status of masculinity in contemporary public life. In establishing a critical genealogy for the proliferation of this crisis talk, it sets out new ways of understanding how men's lives and ideas of masculinity have changed over time while patriarchy and male power have persisted.


    Introduction: Histories for the present
    Matt Houlbrook, Katie Jones, and Ben Mechen

    1: Male breadwinners of 'doubtful sex': Trans men and the welfare state, 1954-1970
    Adrian Kane-Galbraith
    2: Reading colonial masculinity through a marriage in Burma
    Jonathan Saha
    3: 'Crutches as weapons': Reading Blackness and the disabled soldier body in the First World War
    Hilary Buxton
    Reflection: Male historians explain things to me: Masculinity, expertise, and the academy
    Charlotte Riley

    4: 'Formal qualifications for full masculine status'? Challenging the fragmentation of the male lifecycle through the First World War pension archives
    Jessica Meyer
    5: Reimagining working-class masculinities in the twentieth century
    Helen Smith
    6: Perceptions of crisis in the history of masculinity: Power and change in modern Britain
    Ben Griffin
    Reflection: Masculinities and history for the present
    John Tosh

    7: Gender, locality, and culture: revisiting masculinities in the Liverpool docklands, 1900-1939
    Pat Ayers
    8: Struggling 'heroes': Everyday masculine encounters in the public library, c. 1890s-1920s
    Michelle Johansen
    9: Fathers, sons, and 'normal', 'ordinary' family life, 1945-1974
    Richard Hall
    Reflection: Doing gender history and the history of masculinity
    Michael Roper

    Part IV: BODIES
    10: Dirty magazines, clean consciences: Men and pornography in the 1970s
    Ben Mechen
    11: 'It's more what me and my partner feel comfortable with': Gay masculinities, safer sex, and Project Sigma, 1987-1996
    Katie Jones
    Reflection: Writing the history of male sexuality in the wake of Operation Yewtree and #MeToo
    Hannah Charnock

    Conclusion: Histories, historians, and the politics of masculinity
    Lucy Delap and John Tosh, in conversation


    Matt Houlbrook is a Professor of Cultural History at the University of Birmingham
    Katie Jones is an Independent Scholar living in Birmingham
    Ben Mechen is a Researcher at the University of Bristol

    Men and masculinities in modern Britain

    Edited by Matt Houlbrook, Katie Jones, Ben Mechen

    Hardcover £25.00 / $36.95

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