Beyond the Pale and Highland Line

The Irish and Scottish Gaelic world

Edited by Simon Egan

Beyond the Pale and Highland Line
Hardcover -
  • Price: £90.00
  • ISBN: 9781526178411
  • Publish Date: Apr 2025
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information


    This book offers important new insights into the history and culture of the Gaelic-speaking world from the mid-fifteenth century through to the reign of James VI and I. Throughout this period, the reach of the English and Scottish crowns within these western regions was limited. The initiative lay with local communities and royal power was contingent upon negotiating with well-established and largely autonomous aristocratic lineages. Moreover, events within this western world could exert a powerful, often unpredictable, influence upon the affairs of the wider archipelago. Using a series of case studies, this collection examines the evolving relationship between Ireland and Scotland in rich detail. It demonstrates how this world interacted with the encroaching English and Scottish states and underlines the importance of paying closer attention to this neglected area of Irish and British history.


    Introduction: Beyond the Pale and Highland Line - Simon Egan
    1 The Age of the Gonna Cam: Clann Chaimbeul and Ireland, c.1490-c.1556 - Simon Egan
    2 The Sacking of Rathlin, 1557: English sovereignty in Ireland, the Meic Domhnaill, and the Anglo-Scottish Wars - David Edwards
    3 The Gaelic lordship of west Bréifne: A strategic conundrum of the Elizabethan wars in Ireland - Francis Kelly
    4 The Gàidhealtachd, the Gordon earls, and the Scottish crown, c. 1450-1600 - Arkady Hodge
    5 Gaelic Sovereignty in the Later Middle Ages - Martin MacGregor
    6 'An Enduring Grudge, A Steadfast Heart and A Mettlesome Mind': Militarism and the Chiefly Ethos in Late-Medieval and Renaissance Scottish Gaelic Poetry - Craig Conner
    7 Sex and Subversion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scottish Gaelic Verse: Finding fresh perspectives on the poem 'Éistibh a lucht an tigh-se' in the Book of the Dean of Lismore - Georgina Lee Farron
    8 What the Dean left out: Scottish poems which have not been included in the Book of the Dean of Lismore - Katharine Simms
    9 Cultural and political identity in the hagiography of Gaelic Ireland - Courtney Selvage
    10 Silencing Irish Ulster: Official depictions of plantation-era Ulster during the reign of James I, c. 1608-25 - David Heffernan
    11 'Mere Irish' in Ireland's parliaments and towns, 1316-1659


    Simon Egan is Lecturer in Medieval Irish History at Queen's University Belfast

    Beyond the Pale and Highland Line

    Edited by Simon Egan

    Hardcover £90.00 / $140.00

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