
A guided approach to asking better scientific questions in primary schools

By Professor Lynne Bianchi and Tina Whittaker

Paperback -
  • Price: £22.50
  • ISBN: 9781526180070
  • Publish Date: Dec 2023
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 96
    • Price: £22.50
    • Published Date: December 2023


    This book brings a new classroom approach for primary teachers to teach the explicit knowledge of scientific question-asking. This is an essential skill when children are involved in finding out about the world around them through science enquiry. Challenging the assumption that because children ask lots of questions in science, this automatically leads to meaningful learning of the enquiry curriculum, QuBuild is important for all children developing as scientific thinkers. It outlines an approach to explicitly plan for, practice and develop the craft of scientific question-asking.

    Unlock your children's science learning potential by exploring the QuBuild Process.


    About this book

    What is the QuBuild concept?

    How does the QuBuild Process relate to what scientists do?

    How does the QuBuild Process impact children's learning in science?

    How to embed the QuBuild Process into classroom practice?

    How does the QuBuild Process affect professional learning?


    Lynne Bianchi is a Professor of Science & Engineering Education at The University of Manchester
    Tina Whittaker is an independent Science Education Consultant


    By Professor Lynne Bianchi, Tina Whittaker

    Paperback £22.50 / $32.95

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