The politics of Unbelonging
Understanding and challenging racialisation of Roma in Europe and beyond
By Andreja Zevnik and Andrew Russell
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- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 344
- Price: £85.00
- Published Date: May 2025
- Series: European Politics
This book offers a comprehensive study of racialisation of Romani communities in Europe (and beyond). Drawing on the idea of unbelonging it demonstrates how Romani communities are placed in a position of visceral visibility by local, national and international institutions as well as public media discourses. It shows how such positionality impacts the ability of Roma to self-represent politically and build capacity for change. From the position of unbelonging the book offers an account of Romani agency which both challenges the mainstream representations of Roma but also develops an alternative none-nation-state sense of belonging. In doing so the book outlines an account of Romani alternative expressions in order to take control of their relationship with their own history, future, knowledge, and identity, and the rest of the society.
'The Politics of Unbelonging is a very timely and necessary intervention in the study of race, ethnicity, and notions of belonging to the state. This rigorous and captivating book captures how racialisation of Roma serves to reinforce ideas of unbelonging, helping us to understand how processes of exclusion work.'
Professor Aidan McGarry, Loughborough University
Introduction: The Politics of Unbelonging: understanding and challenging racialisation of Roma in Europe and beyond
1 Between belonging and unbelonging: a conceptual framework
2 Roma and European unbelonging
3 How a state makes its Roma unbelong
4 Unbelonging in the public gaze: media representations of Roma
5 Racialisation and deservedness: organising community belonging and unbelonging from within
6 Changing the frame of belonging: from the racialised Other to becoming Roma
7 Romani institutions: performing a nation without a territory
8 Becoming Roma: reimagining and recreating belonging in the global arena
Andreja Zevnik is a Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Manchester
Andrew Russell is a Professor of Politics at the University of Liverpool