My Voice: Werner Lachs

By The Fed

My Voice: Werner Lachs
Paperback -
  • Price: £13.99
  • ISBN: 9781526187031
  • Publish Date: Sep 2024
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information


    Werner Lachs was born in Cologne, Germany in 1926 and had a happy childhood. However, by 1938, there were many laws restricting Jews, and after Kristallnacht, the family planned to emigrate. In June 1939, Werner escaped to England with his parents and older sister. Unbeknown to the family, they had been helped by a spy, Frank Foley, who had signed and issued their visas without financial guarantees.

    After arriving in England, Werner was separated from his family at first and placed with different families. He worked in clothing manufacturing for over 50 years. In 1953, he married Claire, and they had a daughter, but Claire died tragically before their daughter turned two. Werner married Ruth in 1962, a fellow Holocaust survivor, and they had two children.

    Werner's book is part of the My Voice book collection, a stand-alone project of The Fed, the leading Jewish social care charity in Manchester, dedicated to preserving the life stories of Holocaust survivors and refugees from Nazi persecution who settled in the UK. The oral history, which is recorded and transcribed, captures their entire lives from before, during and after the war years. The books are written in the words of the survivor so that future generations can always hear their voice. The My Voice book collection is a valuable resource for Holocaust awareness and education.


    1 My family
    2 My childhood
    3 Kristallnacht
    4 Plans to emigrate
    5 Frank Foley, our saviour
    6 Saying our goodbyes
    7 Our arrival in England
    8 My first home in England
    9 The Bentwoods and my Bar Mitzvah
    10 Evacuation
    11 An unsettling time during the war years
    12 A terrible loss
    13 We were the lucky ones
    14 The fate of my German friends
    15 Settling down after the war
    16 Meeting Ruth
    17 My growing family
    18 My career and communal work
    19 My interests and leisure time
    20 Reflections
    My Voice volunteers
    About The Fed


    The Fed is Manchester's leading social care charity serving the Jewish community. In June of 2021, The Fed were awarded the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service for the My Voice Project, the highest possible accolade for a voluntary sector group.

    My Voice: Werner Lachs

    By The Fed

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