Mathematics for economists

An introductory textbook, fourth edition

By Malcolm Pemberton and Nicholas Rau

Mathematics for economists
Paperback -
  • Price: £35.00
  • ISBN: 9781784991487
  • Publish Date: Sep 2015
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 776
    • Price: £35.00
    • Published Date: September 2015


    This book is a self-contained treatment of all the mathematics needed by undergraduate and masters-level students of economics. Building up gently from a very low level, the authors provide a clear, systematic coverage of calculus and matrix algebra. The second half of the book gives a thorough account of probability, optimisation and dynamics.The emphasis throughout is on intuitive argument and problem-solving. All methods are illustrated by examples, exercises and problems selected from central areas of modern economic analysis. The book's careful arrangement in short chapters enables it to be used in a variety of course formats for students with or without prior knowledge of calculus, for reference and for self-study.

    This new fourth edition includes two chapters on probability theory, providing the essential mathematical background for upper-level courses on economic theory, econometrics and finance.


    'In spite of the wide scope of this textbook, its presentation is clear and crisp. The materials are very carefully organised. The transition from mathematical principles to economic propositions is remarkably lucid throughout the book. If a first-year undergraduate student in economics comes to ask me which one, among many books on mathematics for economists, to buy for years to come, then I would definitely tell them that this is the one.'
    Chiaki Hara, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University

    'This is a great text to learn from - the authors do an excellent job providing intuitive explanations, making connections between results and illustrating the use of mathematics in solving economics problems, and there is a host of solved exercises which perform two roles: providing essential practice material and introducing further applications in economics.'
    Andrew Chesher, Director of The Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, IFS and UCL


    1. Linear equations
    2. Linear inequalities
    3. Sets and functions
    4. Quadratics, indices and logarithms
    5. Sequences, series and limits
    6. Introduction to differentiation
    7. Methods of differentiation
    8. Maxima and minima
    9. Exponential and logarithmic functions
    10. Approximations
    11. Matrix algebra
    12. Systems of linear equations
    13. Determinants and quadratic forms
    14. Functions of several variables
    15. Implicit relations
    16. Optimisation with several variables
    17. Principles of constrained optimisation
    18. Further topics in constrained optimisation
    19. Integration
    20. Aspects of integral calculus
    21. Probability
    22. Expectation
    23. Introduction to dynamics
    24. The circular functions
    25. Complex numbers
    26. Further dynamics
    27. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    28. Dynamic systems
    29. Dynamic optimisation in discrete time
    30. Dynamic optimisation in continuous time
    31. Introduction to analysis
    32. Metric spaces and existence theorems
    Notes on further reading


    Malcolm Pemberton is Senior Lecturer in Economics at University College London

    Nicholas Rau is Honorary Senior Lecturer in Economics at University College London

    Mathematics for economists

    By Malcolm Pemberton, Nicholas Rau

    Paperback £35.00 / $52.95

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