Ingmar Bergman

An enduring legacy

Edited by Erik Hedling

Ingmar Bergman
Hardcover -
  • Price: £25.00
  • ISBN: 9789198557701
  • Publish Date: Sep 2021
  • Publisher: Lund University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Hardcover
    • Pages: 312
    • Price: £25.00
    • Published Date: September 2021
    • Series: Lund University Press


    This unique collection focuses on the work of legendary Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman. Written in the wake of the centenary of Bergman's birth in 2018, the volume aims to combine new approaches to Bergman's films and writings with more traditional analyses. Established themes such as Bergman's interest in philosophy and psychology are addressed, but also less familiar topics, notably his relationship with Hollywood and his elaborate use of film music and autobiographical writing that characterised his later work. There are new analyses of aspects of Bergman's most famous films, including Smiles of a Summer Night and Fanny and Alexander, but also insightful readings of lesser-known works, such as Saraband and Sawdust and Tinsel.

    An electronic edition of this book is freely available under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND) licence.


    Ingmar Bergman at 100: an introduction - Erik Hedling
    1 Ingmar Bergman on the international scene - Peter Cowie
    2 Bergman transnational: Munich-Rome-Los Angeles, or 'the last temptation of Ingmar Bergman' - Thomas Elsaesser
    3 Bergman and the business: notes on the director's 'worth in the market' - Olof Hedling
    4 Bergman, writing, and photographs: the auteur as an ekphrastic ghost - Maaret Koskinen
    5 The playfulness of Ingmar Bergman: screenwriting from notebooks to screenplays - Anna Sofia Rossholm
    6 Cinema as a detour: Ingmar Bergman, writer - Jan Holmberg
    7 Laughing through tears: the soundscape of Ingmar Bergman's Smiles of a Summer Night - Alexis Luko
    8 Sound, act, presence: classical music in the films of Ingmar Bergman-a lecture recital - Anyssa Neumann
    9 Film-musical moments in Ingmar Bergman's films - Ann-Kristin Wallengren
    10 Where does music come from? Musical meaning and musical discourse in Ingmar Bergman's films - Per F. Broman
    11 Bergman, Janov, and Autumn Sonata - Paisley Livingston
    12 Persona's penis - Daniel Humphrey
    13 Battlefield family: Ingmar Bergman, Henrik Ibsen, and television - Michael Tapper
    14 Bergman/Birdman/Vogler: an ecocritical examination of the birds of Bergman - Linda Haverty Rugg
    15 Visionaries and charlatans: Ingmar Bergman's filmmaking - Laura Hubner
    16 Imagined without dialogue: Sawdust and Tinsel and Dreams - Dan Williams
    17 The ghost in the machine: Saraband - Lars Gustaf Andersson
    18 Return to the bourgeoisie: Fanny and Alexander in Swedish politics - Erik Hedling


    Erik Hedling is Professor Emeritus of Film Studies at Lund University, Sweden

    Ingmar Bergman

    Edited by Erik Hedling

    Hardcover £25.00 / $36.95

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