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Posted by Manchester University Press - Friday, 2 May 2008



‘Shaking the blood-stained hand of Mr Collins’


by Martin Maguire

The training of the civil service is intended to produce an unquestioning loyalty to the State. What happens when that State is subject to revolutionary struggle and a new regime comes to power? Invited to shake the ‘blood-stained hands’ of the revolutionary leadership and to serve the new State, how does the civil service respond?



‘Martin Maguire’s important book is thoroughly anchored in an impressive array of original materials, and bristles with fresh argument and insight. It cogently addresses and challenges the full range of our existing knowledge about the Dublin Castle administration, the reforms of 1920, and the early development of the Free State civil service. The work thereby significantly advances the historiography on early 20th century Ireland.’

Alvin Jackson, Sir Richard Lodge Professor of History, University of Edinburgh


For more information, including price and ordering details, click here or on the title above.

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