Book launch A S byatt: critical storytelling
Thursday 20 January 2011, 6-8pm
Main Foyer, 309 Regent Street, University of Westminster, London W1B 2UW
You are warmly invited to join Dame Antonia Byatt and the authors to celebrate the publication of this new monograph on A S Byatt’s work.
This stimulating and comprehensive study of A S Byatt’s work spans virtually her entire career and offers insightful readings of all of Byatt’s works of fiction up to and including her Man-Booker-shortlisted novel The Children’s Book. The authors combine a clear and accessible overview of Byatt’s oeuvre to date with close critical analysis of all her major works. Uniquely, the book also points beyond the immediate context of Byatt’s fiction by considering her critical writings and journalism alongside her novels and short stories.
To book your place, please visit westminster.ac.uk/criticalstorytelling