April 2011
We’re in the middle of a busy conference season here at MUP. Our titles have been displayed at a number of different conferences this month, including the AHH (Association of Art Historians) and PSA (Political Studies Association).
The Rethinking Art’s Histories series was launched at the AAH bookfair reception. Screen/Space, the latest title in the series was showcased to the delegates, while author Tamara Trodd gave an enlightening speech.
The PSA, one of the busiest politics conferences we visit, was also a resounding success. A huge number of our titles were on display, including the brand new The Conservative party and the extreme right 1945-1975, by Mark Pitchford. The conference also provided a perfect opportunity to catch up with many of our authors, and to discuss a number of exciting new projects (watch this space!).
This week you can visit us at BISA, which is being held not far from our offices in Manchester. We’ve already seen some very lively sessions, and had a chance to make contact with some very interesting delegates from across the globe. As usual, a wide selection of our titles are on display, and are available to purchase at the very generous conference discounts. So, do visit our stand if you’re attending BISA this week.
Next month begins with The Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) Annual Conference in Cork. We’re particularly looking forward to this event as the Irish Journal of Sociology, which MUP now publish in conjunction with the SAI, will be launched during the conference. Issue 19 (1) will be published shortly, but delegates at the conference have the opportunity to get their hands on sample copies of the first two issues published by MUP.
If you’re visiting the SAI annual conference, do stop by our stand to say hello!