Ethnographic Horizons in Times of Turbulence
The 7th Annual Joint University of Liverpool Management School and Keele University Institute for Public Policy and Management Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences.
In association with the Journal of Organizational Ethnography and the Journal Ethnography
Ethnographic Horizons in Times of Turbulence.
University of Liverpool Management School, Liverpool, UK
29th – 31st August 2012
Conference Chairs
Dr. Manuela Nocker, University of Essex Business School(Email [email protected])
Dr. Geoff Pearson, University of Liverpool Management School(Email: [email protected])
Organising Committee
Dr. Matthew Brannan, Keele University Institute for Public Policy and ManagementDr. Jason Ferdinand, University of Liverpool Management SchoolDr. Manuela Nocker, University of Essex Business SchoolDr. Geoff Pearson, University of Liverpool Management SchoolDr. Mike Rowe, University of Liverpool Management SchoolDr. Frank Worthington, University of Liverpool Management School
Key Note Speakers
Dr Simon Down, Newcastle University Business School, UK
Professor Karen Ho, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota
Professor Gideon Kunda, Department of Labour Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Professor John Weeks, IMD Business School, Lausanne, CH