How would you like someone who has read your book to sum it up in one sentence?
Unlimited action is a new take on ‘difficult’ or ‘extreme’ performance art in the 1970s, by way of a surprising selection of artists that are less well known.
What book in your field has inspired you the most?
Jennifer Doyle, Hold It Against Me: Difficulty and Emotion in Contemporary Art.
Did your research take you to any unexpected places?
Yes: to pornography, indecency, crime, the occult, and sabotage.
Which writing process do you use (computer, longhand, dictate, other)?
Why did you choose to publish with MUP?
Because it is a world-leading academic publisher; and because I had a very enjoyable and satisfying experience when I published my first monograph with MUP (Glorious catastrophe, 2012).
What are you working on now?
A book on singular actions in performance art – performances that consist of a single action that is sustained and/or repeated over sometimes-confounding durations.