To celebrate Black History Month, taking place throughout October, we’ve put together a reading list featuring new, forthcoming and bestselling related titles from MUP.
All books included in the reading list are 50% off throughout October and November. Simply add BHM50 at the checkout.
Click on the book cover or title to find out more about each book.
And please follow MUP on Twitter and Instagram where you will see author videos and blogs posted throughout Black History Month.
The life of Una Marson, 1905-65
This is an original, full length biography of Britain's first twentieth-century black feminist - Una Marson - poet, playwright, and social activist and BBC broadcaster.
Una Marson is recognised today...
The first monographic study of the painter Agostino Brunias, this book offers a compelling, original analysis of his representation of race in the British colonial West Indies, reconsidering the way in which the artist's oeuvre has previously been understood.
Disrupting White Mindfulness offers a timely commentary on the dominant narratives and norms that shape the Mindfulness Industry. Mindfulness is now common throughout the West, but this book reveals how the industry is infused with whiteness and late capitalism.
Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917
This volume explores the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was catalysed or profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of 1917, including C.L.R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell.
Black resistance to British policing
Using a decade of activist research, this book offers a radical analysis of grassroots black resistance to policing in twenty-first-century Britain.
This book recounts a little-known history of an estimated 2,000 children born to black GIs and white British women in World War II. Stories from over 50 of these children, alongside many photographs, reveal the racism and stigma of growing up in what was then a very white country.
Race and riots in Thatcher's Britain
Through exploration of black British community activism in three geographical case studies, this book argues that the 1980-1 anti-police disturbances should be viewed as 'collective bargaining by riot'. Utilising many original sources, it charts dichotomous attitudes towards public inquiries and discussions of increased political participation.
This book focuses on anti-racist scholar-activism in the margins of universities in the United Kingdom. The book raises questions about the future of Higher Education in the UK, and shines a spotlight on those academics who are working within, and often against, their institutions.
Deporting 'Black Britons' exposes the relationship between racism, borders and citizenship by telling the painful stories of four men who have been exiled to Jamaica. It examines processes of criminalisation, illegalisation and racialisation as they interact to construct deportable subjects in contemporary Britain and offers new ways of thinking about race and citizenship at different scales.
This book analyses how racism and anti-racism affects Black British middle class cultural consumption, incorporating insights from critical race theory and cultural sociology.
This is the first historical analysis of the racial views of atheists and freethinkers. Focusing on Britain and the United States in the second half of the nineteenth century, it covers racial and evolutionary science, imperialism, slavery and segregation in the United States, immigration debates and racial prejudice in theory and practice.
Race talk is about multilingual language practices in racially diverse street markets in Naples, southern Italy. It argues that attention to talk between people differentiated on the grounds of race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, legal status, religion and language reveals the way in which ideas about racial difference, positionality and belonging are contested, negotiated and, potentially, transformed.
The book demonstrates that cultural jobs are the preserve of the most privileged, a 'creative class' in society, and always have been: there was no golden age for social mobility in culture. It shows how women, people of colour, and those of working class origins are missing from key parts of the workforce and audience for culture.
This book presents a series of sketches of lives, thought and impact of thirty-seven individuals in relation to Pan-Africanism. Offering overviews of movements, groups, and detailed biographies, the chapters provide insights into the individuals who have animated the 'Pan-African Pantheon'.
Phipps argues that the mainstream movement against sexual violence embodies a political whiteness
which both reflects its demographics and limits its revolutionary potential.
(B)ordering Britain argues that Britain is the spoils of empire, its immigration law is colonial violence and irregular immigration is anti-colonial resistance.
This edited collection explores the inspiration of the Russian Revolution of 1917 for black radicals across the African diaspora. The volume challenges European-centred understandings of the Russian Revolution and the global left and enables new insights on the relations between Communism and various black radical traditions.
How does the current nationalist moment within British political culture, most acutely evidenced in the recent Brexit result, capture such a broad cross-section of constituenciess? Valluvan propose a theorisation of contemporary nationalist ascendancy which addresses this question head-on.
This book contributes to race and ethnicity studies through a focus on the small scale, racialised dynamics of locality during a sharpening climate of crisis in British society.
This book draws on research at Dreamfields Academy, a celebrated secondary school, to explore how neoliberal education models reproduce raced and classed inequalities.
How do parents consider questions of race and class when they are choosing secondary schools for their children and does it differ from place to place? All in the mix: Race, class and school choice explores parents' experience of negotiating school choice in particular places and how this talk is racialised and classed.
Critical race theory and inequality in the labour market
This book employs critical race theory as a theoretical and analytical framework to unveil how racial stratification shapes the socioeconomic outcomes and racial inequality in the labour market. The pages guide students interested in CRT and investigating racism, discrimination and inequality.