University Press Week – Listicle: What 10 publications best represent your Press during the past decade?

Posted by Rebecca Mortimer - Thursday, 11 Nov 2021


From bestsellers and award winners to banned books, take a look at 10 publications that represent Manchester University Press during the past decade.

Beginning theory

Beginning theory has been helping students navigate through the thickets of literary and cultural theory for over two decades. This new and expanded fourth edition continues to offer readers the best...

The fantasy fiction formula

A guide to the nuts and bolts of fantasy writing that illustrates techniques with examples drawn from published fantasy fiction and offers plentiful drills and exercises to help students hone their writing skills.

The econocracy

A particular, narrow way of thinking about the economy is dominant in society today. This book explores how this came to be, why the system cannot continue and how to build a better future.

Art history

Art History: A critical introduction to its methods provides a lively and stimulating introduction to methodological debates within art history. Offering a lucid account of approaches from Hegel to...

Unfinished business

This book traces the political development of 'dissident' Irish republicanism from the beginnings of the peace process. Based on extensive interviews with activists, it offers an insight into the ideology and motivation of a wide range of radical republican groups and analyses how serious a challenge they mount to the status quo in Ireland.

Britain's 'brown babies'

This book recounts a little-known history of an estimated 2,000 children born to black GIs and white British women in World War II. Stories from over 50 of these children, alongside many photographs, reveal the racism and stigma of growing up in what was then a very white country.


Using 60 different words that speak of the city, from bees to sewers, Manchester: something rich and strange offers a new way of thinking about this iconic post-industrial city. Twenty-three writers from diverse backgrounds offer their take on the everyday things that inform how we experience Manchester, recognising that we're all active in the making and unmaking of the city's spaces.

Stacking the coffins

A social history of the 1918-19 influenza pandemic's effects on an Ireland where normal patterns of life were disturbed by war and the growing separatist movement. The influenza seemed to disrupt every aspect of Irish life - culture, economics, politics, medicine and family life.

Reckless opportunists

Aeron Davis looks at the growing crisis of leadership in Britain today. He argues that increasingly self-interested elites are not only damaging society they are destroying the basis of Establishment rule itself. The book, based on over 350 elite interviews, asks: how did we end up producing the leaders that got us here and what can we do about it?

Mathematics for economists

An updated edition of the essential textbook for students of economics at every level, with comprehensive


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