Manchester University Press and the Series Editors invite proposals for their new transdisciplinary book series Women on the Move. The series focuses on unveiling the presence and multiplicity of experiences of women in migration processes. It bridges the gap between historical and contemporary approaches, and aims to publish books on women’s migration from a wide variety of perspectives, time frames and geographical outlooks, with a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The books published in the series seek to deconstruct the sexist stereotypes that have marked the history of migration by revealing both women migrants’ agency and resources, as well as their vulnerabilities and the challenges faced in past and present experiences of migration. The interplay between gender and migration at the core of the series invites authors to develop multifactorial perspectives of women’s migration and to disclose how gender shapes migration and how migration shapes gender.
The series seeks proposals for monographs and edited volumes that are:
– From a broad range of fields in the humanities and social sciences, including: History, Politics, Philosophy, Anthropology and Ethnology, Sociology, Law, Geography, and Art History.
– Accessibly written for an international, academic audience.
– From diverse perspectives, under-represented scholars, and established and early-career researchers.
– Between 80-100,000 words.
Series editors
Marie Ruiz, Université de Paris and Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France, [email protected]
Maija Ojala-Fulwood, Tampere University, Finland, [email protected]
SĂłnia Ferreira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, [email protected]
Alex Sager, Portland State University, USA, [email protected]
Editorial board
Emma Bond, University of St Andrews, UK
Gabor Egry, Institute of Political History, Hungary
Heike Drotbohm, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Carol Farbotko, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia
Eric Fong, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Monash University Malaysia
Cecilia Menjivar, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Elaine Moriarty, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Immanuel Ness, City University of New York, USA
Irudaya Rajan, Centre for Development Studies, India
Uzma Rashid, United Nations mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica
Victoria Souliman, University of New England, Australia
Inga K. Thiemann, University of Exeter, UK
We look forward to hearing from authors interested in the series. For more information, contact the series editors, visit our website or contact Meredith Carroll, Senior Commissioning Editor, [email protected]
For more information on publishing with MUP and submitting a proposal, please see our Author Hub.