To help raise awareness of the climate emergency we are all facing, we have put together a short reading list of recent books that explore both problems and potential solutions.
Click on the cover images to learn more about the books
Driving with strangers is an ambitious, timely and intellectually eclectic contribution to how we think about mobility, the rationale behind its different forms and why our philosophy of travel and societal structures are closely related.
Reclaiming economics for future generations
Reclaiming economics for future generations argues that to build economies which serve people and the planet we need a diverse and decolonised curriculum. How does the global economy currently fail people and the planet, and why has mainstream economics knowledge inadequately addressed the pressing issues of today?
This book explores 'thrift' through its moral, religious, ethical, political, spiritual and philosophical expressions, and via key characters such as Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Smiles, and Henry Thoreau.
The capitalist mode of destruction
This book investigates capitalism's mounting destructiveness. Tracing today's economic, ecological and democratic crises to capitalism's undemocratic use of the surplus, Panayotakis highlights the necessity of a democratic classless society, which would restore control of the surplus to those who produce it.
This is the first book to argue comprehensively that unless we destroy the legal and political basis for the corporation, we are unlikely to reverse the decline of the eco-system, and therefore we will hasten the end of the species.
Post-truth politics have threatened science itself. Drawing on case studies from around the world, Toxic Truths examines enduring issues and new challenges for tackling environmental injustice in a post-truth age.
Takes ecocriticism into new areas that include collaboration across the environmental humanities and into the cultural studies of the human response to the environment.
Environment, labour and capitalism at sea
This book combines phenomenology and political economy to offer new approaches for analyses of human-environment relations and technologies. It contributes to the social studies of fisheries through an analysis of how fishing practices and social relations are shaped by political economy.
This book synthesises a variety of approaches to the visual, drawn from politics, theory, feminism and activism, in order to provide the blueprint for an ecocritical art history.
This book will provide the first study of how the Gothic engages with ecocritical ideas. The book's focus is from the late eighteenth century to the present day, via consideration of a number of national and global contexts and different media including short stories, novels and films.