Published in October 2020, Andrew Ginger’s Instead of Modernity has already received widespread recognition from a number of eminent figures in the field of Spanish art history. Here’s two reviews we’ve received so far.
‘From this new vantage point, both temporality and the concept of modernity are blown out of the water … [the] broad outlook transcends the limits of what we understand by Hispanism … and in this quest for the shared and the disruptive, [Ginger] works with pieces of art, turns of language, figures of speech, images from the past and the present, on a surface that as soon opens out to an infinite horizon as it shrinks to a specific time and place.’ Read full review
Jesusa Vega, Anales de Historia del Arte
‘Instead of Modernity certainly performs an important service by reincorporating the Hispanosphere into modern culture, and by upending simplistic understandings
of modernity in turn. The world it portrays is certainly Quixotic, but in the manner
stressed by Borges’s ‘Pierre Menard’: as something more fragmentary, more
subtle, more incongruous than previously imagined – and ‘infinitely richer’ for it.’ Read full review
Daniel Jenkin-Smith, Romance, Revolution & Reform
Instead of modernity
The Western canon and the
incorporation of the Hispanic (c. 1850-75)
By Andrew Ginger