Patricia Allmer named AAH Fellow

Patricia Allmer named AAH Fellow

Posted by rhiandavies - Wednesday, 29 Mar 2023


“The key intellectual concern for me has always been to question established histories of surrealism and the wider avant-garde and recalibrate critical understanding of them, often by demonstrating the significant and even foundational roles played by neglected or underrepresented artists.”

MUP author and Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the University of Edinburgh, Patricia Allmer has received a prestigious 2023 Association for Art History Fellowship.

This initiative, now in its fourth year, seeks to recognise and honour individuals who have made a significant contribution to the broad field of art history.

The official award presentation will take place at the AAH Annual Conference on the 12th of April.

Professor Allmer says the following regarding the announcement:
“I am incredibly honoured to be an AAH Fellow. It is a wonderful acknowledgment of my scholarly and curatorial work. My long-term editor, Emma Brennan, and the fantastic MUP team have been hugely important throughout my career, from the publication of my first monograph on RenĂ© Magritte in 2009, to my latest, titled The Traumatic Surreal: Germanophone Women Artists and Surrealism after the Second World War (2022).” 

MUP will be attending this year’s AAH Annual Conference and joining Professor Allmer in celebrating the award.

Patricia Allmer Books

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