The American Economic Association, in conjunction with 64 associations in related disciplines known as the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA), is holding its Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, 5-7th January 2024. The best minds in economics are assembled to network and celebrate new achievements in economic research.
We’re proud to participate in this event, with our latest titles displayed at the Ingram Academic booth, and a virtual bookshop offering a special conference discount. Our reading list below showcases new and forthcoming books in our Geopolitical Economy, Progress in Political Economy and Manchester Capitalism series, as well as recent trade titles such as Adrienne Buller’s The Value of a Whale.
Get 30% off books in the reading list by using ASSA24 at the checkout of our website.
False profits of ethical capital
Finance, labour and the politics of risk
Undermining resistance
The governance of participation by multinational mining corporations
Deep transformations
A theory of degrowth
Markets and power in digital capitalism
Culture is not an industry
Reclaiming art and culture for the common good
Foundations of social ecological economics
The fight for revolutionary change in economic thought
'Survival capitalism' and the Big Bang
Culture, contingency and capital in the making of the 1980s financial revolution
Capitalism in contemporary Iran
Capital accumulation, state formation and geopolitics
Clickbait capitalism
Economies of desire in the twenty-first century
Mathematics for economists
An introductory textbook, fifth edition
When nothing works
From cost of living to foundational liveability
Carbon colonialism
How rich countries export climate breakdown
Keynes and Marx
Water struggles as resistance to neoliberal capitalism
A time of reproductive unrest
Imperialism and the development myth
How rich countries dominate in the twenty-first century
The entangled legacies of empire
Race, finance and inequality
Imperial Inequalities
The politics of economic governance across European empires
Bankruptcy, bubbles and bailouts
The inside history of the Treasury since 1976
The Value of a Whale
On the Illusions of Green Capitalism
Reclaiming economics for future generations
Foundational Economy
The infrastructure of everyday life, new edition
Britain alone
How a decade of conflict remade the nation
Twenty-first-century capital
Critical post-Soviet Marxist reflections
The pound and the fury
Why anger and confusion reign in an economy paralysed by myth
The capitalist mode of destruction
Austerity, ecological crisis and the hollowing out of democracy
Karl Polanyi and twenty-first-century capitalism
The spatial contract
A new politics of provision for an urbanized planet
The US vs China
Asia's new Cold War?