History of Empire reading list

Posted by rhiandavies - Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024


This month, Manchester University Press is excited to announce the release of two new books that explore the history of Empire. These latest additions to our catalogue provide fresh insights and perspectives on the vast and complex narratives surrounding empires throughout history.

We have put together a comprehensive list of recent and upcoming MUP publications that explore the concept of empire in its many forms and iterations. Our curated selection features works that examine the rise and fall of empires, the cultural and social impacts of imperial rule, and the enduring legacy of empires in the modern world.

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New this month

Empire Religiously

This book explores Roman Catholic female missionaries and their placement in colonial and postcolonial India. It offers fascinating insights into their idiomatic activism, juxtaposed with a contrarian Protestant raj and with their own church patriarchies.
Inner Empire
This book presents for the first time a coherent analysis of the British Isles as an imperial setting understood through its buildings, spaces, and infrastructure. It considers ‘internal’ colonisation and its infrastructures of order and suppression, alongside wider relationships between architecture, imperialism, and cultural identity.

Other upcoming publications

Settlers at the end of Empire
New in paperback
British culture after Empire
New in paperback

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