We have been proud supports of Open Access journal publishing for many years and authors can choose between Platinum, Gold and Green options.
Fully funded Platinum journals
MUP is excited to publish three fully funded Open Access journals in collaboration with institutional funders. Articles are published OA at no cost to the author, and benefit from the same rigorous peer review and production process as non-OA articles, including copy-editing, typesetting and online hosting on manchesteropenhive.
To find out more about each journal and its submission process, visit the journals’ homepages:
Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Gold Open Access
Authors publishing in our subscription journal, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, can also make their articles freely available by paying an Article Processing Charge (APC).
More detail on the submission process is available on the journal’s homepage.
Platinum and Gold Open Access articles are published under a Creative Commons licence. Our standard licence is CC-BY-NC-ND, but if an alternative licence is required (e.g. by a funding institution or UKRI), authors should inform the Editor when their article is accepted.Â
CC: Creative Commons. Anyone may download and share your work
BY: By Attribution. You must always be credited as the author
NC: Non-Commercial. The open access version may not be sold or used commercially
ND: NoDerivatives. If the material is remixed transformed, or built upon, the modified version may not be distributed.
More information on Creative Commons licenses can be found here.
Third-party material
Authors may include third-party material in their articles provided they have received permission to reuse the material in an OA publication. The copyright owner and the terms of reuse should be clearly stated in the caption.
Open Access archiving – Green OA
Authors can self-archive the Accepted Manuscript (AM) of their article on their personal or departmental website, or an institutional or non-commercial subject repository upon acceptance. The AM is the version of the article that has been peer reviewed, revised and finally accepted by the Editor, but before copy-editing and typesetting. This policy is compliant with current funding body mandates on Green OA/self archiving.
Please note that you may not be legally allowed to include third-party material when depositing your work as Open Access.