Write for us

Shannon Kneis, Senior Commissioning Editor for Social Sciences

Manchester University Press publishes agenda-setting books which have impact both in the academy and with a broader public. As this year’s AAG conference provides a space to work ‘towards more just geographies’, we’d like to talk to potential authors who are looking to share critical, innovative and cutting-edge work to global audiences.

We publish across a range of formats  – including monographs, multi-authored or edited collections, trade books for the general reader, and course books.

Particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to: migration and borders, climate change, cities, (in)equalities, gender and sexuality, urban, environmental justice, transport, work, tourism, technologies, ethnographies.

We welcome your book proposals. If you have an idea for a new book, please contact our Senior Commissioning Editor Shannon Kneis to discuss ideas: [email protected]

We also have various resources for prospective authors, which are linked below and more guidelines, documents and ideas can be found on our new Author Hub area on our website.