MUP has been active in supporting and developing Open Access (OA) publishing for over a decade. We are one of the largest University Press publishers of OA books, and the majority of our journals are published using a ‘platinum’ OA model. This means that our journals are funded by institutions, allowing authors to publish their work fully Open Access free of charge.
With over 250 OA books now available alongside our OA journals, all content published through our OA initiatives can be found, read, shared and downloaded on
While the benefits of OA have been universally accepted, MUP’s approach has always been to offer a high standard throughout the publishing process irrespective of the publishing model. This includes rigorous peer review, production, metadata and marketing services.
As part of the University of Manchester’s commitment to Open Research, we will continue to develop resources and models to accommodate open publication for all stages of the scholarly process.
More information about our Open Access journals can be found here.
All of MUP’s Open Access books are available to read, share and download on and on OAPEN.
Academic books can be made Open Access from the day of first publication in both PDF and ePUB formats. This is subject to a charge: for example, the fee is £9,850 for a book of up to 120,000 words in length and 20 illustrations. Please contact your editor to discuss the fee for your book, or if you have not yet sent us a book proposal, include a note in your book proposal document and covering email to say that you are interested in Open Access publication.
A printed version of your book will also be made available for purchase.
Where funders require specific licences or (for example) availability via PubMed Central (PMC), we can accommodate these requests.
Individual chapters in an edited collection can be made Open Access from the day of first publication. This is subject to a charge, based on the length of the chapter as a percentage of the whole book.
The prices of the eBook editions of the volume will be reduced by the same percentage to ensure that we are offering the OA chapters for free.
Please contact your editor to discuss the chapter fee, and if you have not yet sent us a book proposal, please include some details in your book proposal document and covering email so that we know which chapters you wish to make Open Access.
If your book has already been published with MUP and you would like to explore making it Open Access, please contact your editor for details of what this will cost. The fee will be based on how recently the book was published, any future planned editions of the book and how much the book cost to produce.
The process for publishing an Open Access book with MUP is exactly the same as any other kind of book: we operate the same standards of peer review, editing and production. Please complete our book proposal form as normal as the starting point, and follow the link below to contact the Commissioning Editor for your subject area.
Gold open access books and chapters are published under a Creative Commons licence.
We allow our authors to choose whichever licence for their Open Access books they prefer. Our standard licence is CC-BY-NC-ND.
CC: Creative Commons. Anyone may download and share your work
BY: By Attribution. You must always be credited as the author
NC: Non-Commercial. The open access version may not be sold or used commercially
ND: NoDerivatives. If the material is remixed transformed, or built upon, the modified version may not be distributed.
All MUP academic books (but not course books, reference books, scholarly editions or trade books) are eligible for our green open access policy, and we don’t ask for payment of any kind. If you’re not sure whether your book is part of our academic programme, please ask your editor.
Eighteen months from first publication, you may place one chapter of your choice from the accepted version of your monograph text (the version you submitted to us for the start of the production process) in your institutional repository.
Three years from the month of first publication, the accepted version of your monograph text (the version you submitted to us for the start of the production process) can be uploaded to your institutional repository.
Please note that you may not legally be allowed to include third-party material when depositing your work as Open Access.
If your book arises from UKRI-funded research, please speak to your Commissioning Editor so that we can make arrangements (via either the Gold route above or a UKRI-specific Green route of AAM deposit with a 12-month embargo) to ensure that the publication is compliant with the UKRI policy. This policy does not apply to other books.
You may use illustrations and other third-party material in your Open Access book, but only if they have been agreed with your editor and covered by the fee, and only if you have written permission from the copyright holder to make them available in an Open Access eBook.
More information about our Open Access journals can be found here.