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Will my book become an eBook?
In most cases, yes, we publish both a print and eBook edition. The Commissioning Editor will inform you at contract stage which editions we plan to publish your book in.
How often will royalties be paid?
Where a percentage royalty is agreed, this is paid out annually in January, with a full statement of sales.
Will my book appear in paperback?
If your book is a textbook aimed at students then it will probably be a paperback from the off. If it is a monograph, we will probably produce a hardback for the library market first before deciding on whether to produce a paperback edition.
Will the book be kept in print?
Yes. Manchester University Press guarantees that the book will stay in print in paper form for at least three years, and with the developments in electronic publishing, it can potentially stay available for ever.
Will my book be taken to conferences?
Yes. Manchester University Press attends many conferences each year, and we take selected, relevant books to a range of major subject conferences.
Can I link my website to MUP?
Yes. Manchester University Press encourages authors to do this, and we are happy to provide technical assistance with the link.
Will my book be translated?
We have very good links with publishers around the world and have had great success in placing translations. We take all our books to the Frankfurt bookfair, and if you think your book is of particular of interest to another nation, then we will make every effort to place it.
Will I be able to have publicity material for my own use?
Yes. You can download and print a leaflet about your book to take to conferences and lectures from the book's web page.
Will I see copies of reviews?
Yes. Reviews of your book with be added to the book's web page as they come in.
Can I buy more copies of my book at discount?
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Who will be responsible for selling my book overseas?
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How do you manage rights and permissions for my work?
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How do I submit my paper?
Each Manchester University Press journal has its own submission guidelines. To submit your article, go to the list of journals, search for the one you wish to submit to, click on the submissions tab to get details on how to submit your article.
How do I contact the Editor of the journal to which I would like to submit my article?
To contact the Editor, go to the list of Manchester University Press journals and select the journal. The editor's name should be listed with their contact details.
How do I find guidelines or instructions for authors for my specific journal?
Each Manchester University Press journal has its own submission guidelines. Go to the list of journals, select the journal and click on the submission tab.
What types of articles will the journal accept?
This is covered in the journal’s submission guidelines. Go to the list of Manchester University Press journals, select the journal and click on the submissions tab.
When will I know if my article has been accepted? What happens next?
Each Manchester University Press journal has its own editorial procedures, and you should consult the individual journal’s submission guidelines for more detail. In general, the journal’s editorial office will contact you to let you know whether your article has been accepted, and what will happen next.