Contemporary Anarchist Studies

About the series

This series promotes the study of anarchism as a framework for understanding and acting on the most pressing problems of our times. The series publishes cutting-edge, socially engaged scholarship from around the world – bridging theory and practice, academic rigor and the insights of contemporary activism.

The topical scope of the series encompasses anarchist history and theory broadly construed; individual anarchist thinkers; anarchist informed analysis of current issues and institutions; and anarchist or anarchist-inspired movements and practices. Contributions informed by anti-capitalist, feminist, ecological, indigenous and non-Western or global South anarchist perspectives are particularly welcome. So, too, are manuscripts that promise to illuminate the relationships between the personal and the political aspects of transformative social change, local and global problems, and anarchism and other movements and ideologies. Above all, we wish to publish books that will help activist scholars and scholar activists think about how to challenge and build real alternatives to existing structures of oppression and injustice.

Information on previously published titles is available on the Bloomsbury CAS page.

Contact Shannon Kneis for further information. See our house style guidelines and proposal form for guidance on submitting a book proposal.

Series editors:

Laurence Davis (University College Cork)
Uri Gordon (Loughborough University)
Nathan Jun (Midwestern State University)
Alex Prichard (University of Exeter)

International Editorial Advisory Board:

Martha Ackelsberg, Smith College; John Clark, Loyola University; Jesse Cohn, Purdue University; Ronald Creagh, Universite Paul Valery; Marianne Enckell, Centre International de Recherches sur l’Anarchisme; Kathy Ferguson, University of Hawaii Mānoa; Montse Feu, Sam Houston State University; Benjamin Franks, University of Glasgow; Macarena Gomez-Barris, Pratt Institute; Judy Greenway, Independent Scholar; Kēhaulani Kauanui, Wesleyan University; Ruth Kinna, Loughborough University; Sho Konishi, Oxford University; Todd May, Clemson University; Anna Torres, University of Chicago; Salvo Vaccaro, Universita di Palermo; Lucien van der Walt, Rhodes University; Charles Weigl, AK Press

Endorsements for the series:

‘Contemporary Anarchist Studies positions anarchism squarely in the mainstream of political research and methodology. Rather than treating it as an “anti-politics” approach to political ideas and ideologies, it integrates anarchism into many of the central concerns of political theory, casting a fresh and critical look on the discipline as a whole. Employing perspectives from philosophy, ideology and history, this ambitious and important series offers rich pickings to scholars and students alike.’  Professor Michael Freeden, Oxford University and the University of Nottingham, Founding Editor of the Journal of Political Ideologies, recipient of the Isaiah Berlin Prize of the UK Political Studies Association for lifetime contribution to political studies, and author of The Political Theory of Political Thinking: The Anatomy of a Practice (2013)

‘At a time of the accelerated destruction of the environment and the increasing power of states and corporations to control the lives of people throughout the world, this anarchist series of challenging and thoughtful books could not be more timely and relevant. They not only offer an incisive critique of authoritarian things as they are but show vividly the libertarian alternative. The profoundest radical energy is now coming from anarchist theory and practice. The series should therefore be widely welcomed and discussed if we are to emerge from the present natural and political impasse.’  Peter Marshall, author of over 15 books, including Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism (2010), Nature’s Web: Rethinking our Place on Earth (1994), and Riding the Wind: Liberation Ecology for a New Era (2009)

‘This series makes a real contribution by bringing a much-neglected political tradition to the attention of scholars and activists. Anarchism has a rich past and an open future. The series editors have brought together a group of thinkers who explore both in a provocative and timely fashion.’  Professor Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Director of Global Relations at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights, and author of over 25 books, including Moments of Decision (2014)

‘Contemporary Anarchist Studies is an impressive and much needed series. It brings together first-rate scholarly work on the history and theory of anarchism, connects theory and practice, and clarifies the claim of the anarchist tradition to urgent contemporary relevance. With all titles available under a Creative Commons license, the series is itself an example of anarchy in action.’  Professor Stuart White, Oxford University, author of Equality (2006)

 ‘Contemporary Anarchist Studies is a most welcome, and timely, addition to bibliography on anarchism, political philosophy, and social movements. Anarchist theory, at its best, begins with issues confronting real people, and is written in language they can understand. The volumes in this series do just that, avoiding both obfuscation and condescension. I eagerly await the next installments!’  Professor Martha Ackelsberg, Smith College, author of Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women (2004)


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