Revels Plays

Please send proposals to Michelle Houston at [email protected]

The Revels Plays Guidelines


About the series

“The Revels Plays have a earned a well-deserved reputation for producing exemplary critical editions of non-Shakespearean plays, prepared according to high scholarly standards and aimed at an audience of advanced students and literary professionals.”

Professor Bruce Boehrer, SEL (Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900)

Clifford Leech conceived of the Revels Plays as a series in the mid-1950s, modelling the project on the New Arden Shakespeare. The aim, as he wrote in 1958, was “to apply to Shakespeare’s predecessors, contemporaries and successors the methods that are now used in Shakespeare’s editing”. The plays chosen were to include well-known works from the early Tudor period to about 1700. He set the high standards of the series, ensuring that editors of individual volumes produced work of lasting merit, equally useful for teachers and students, theatre directors and actors.

General Editors: Karen Britland, Helen Ostovich, Rory Loughnane, Alison Findlay, Richard Dutton and Barbara Ravelhofer

Former General Editors: David Bevington, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich, Martin White, Clifford Leech, F. David Hoeniger, E. A. J. Honigmann and Eugene M. Waith

What is a Revels Editor?

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