Social and Political Power

About the series

Power is one of the most fundamental concepts in social science. Yet, despite the undisputed centrality of power to social and political life, few have agreed on exactly what it is or how it manifests itself. Social and Political Power is a book series that provides a forum for this absolutely central, and much debated, social phenomenon.

The series is theoretical, in both a social scientific and normative sense, yet also empirical in its orientation. Theoretically it is oriented towards the Anglo-American tradition, including Dahl and Lukes, as well as to the Continental perspectives, influenced either by Foucault and Bourdieu, or by Arendt and the Frankfurt School. Empirically, the series provides an intellectual forum for power research from the disciplines of sociology, political science and the other social sciences, and also for policy-oriented analysis.

Series editor

Giulio M. Gallarotti is Professor of Government and Environmental Studies at Wesleyan University and Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Columbia University

Founding Editor: Mark Haugaard, Professor in the School Political Science and Sociology, National University of Ireland

Contact Rob Byron for further information. See our house style guidelines and proposal form for guidance on submitting a book proposal.

Related Blogs and Media

The four dimensions of power – Q&A with Mark Haugaard

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