Fashioning Gothic bodies

By Catherine Spooner

Fashioning Gothic bodies
Paperback -
  • Price: £19.99
  • ISBN: 9780719064012
  • Publish Date: May 2004
  • Publisher: Manchester University Press
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    Book Information

    • Format: Paperback
    • Pages: 232
    • Price: £19.99
    • Published Date: May 2004


    This innovative book is the first to make an explicit link between constructions of the body in Gothic literature and film and historically specific fashion discourse, from the 1790s to the 1990s.


    List of figures
    1. Curtain'd in mysteries: An introduction to Gothic fashion
    2. Revolution and revealment: The Gothic body and the politics of décolletage
    3. Clothes made the man: Fashioning the self in Victorian Gothic fiction
    4. Mysteries of the visible: Dandies, cross-dressers and freaks in late-Victorian Gothic
    5. Cosmo-Gothic: The double and the single woman
    6. Undead fashion: Nineties style and the perennial return of Goth
    7. Refashioning Gothic bodies: An anti-conclusion
    Fashion spreads
    Film and visual media
    Selected discography
    Selected electronic sources


    Catherine Spooner is Lecturer in English at the University of Reading

    Fashioning Gothic bodies

    By Catherine Spooner

    Paperback £19.99 / $29.95

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